The tuition cost, as determined by UC Berkeley Summer Sessions, varies depending on status (UC undergraduate, UC graduate student, visiting student). Details can be found here; please note that the Workshop is a ten-unit course. There will be up to eight tuition fellowships (in total for both the Greek and Latin Workshops) each providing a $3,000 refund from tuition costs. Application instructions for the fellowships, and deadline information, can be found here.
For registration instructions, please consult the Summer Sessions registration page.
Enroll in either REC section. It has no affect on the scheduling of your assigned synchronous sessions. The precise scheduling of the synchronous components will be finalized after conducting a pre-course survey of enrolled students.
According to University policy, auditors are not permitted in the Workshop.
The precise timing of these sections will be finalized after conducting a pre-course survey of enrolled students. We will make our best effort to accomodate students in different time zones. Students will be assigned to one of the daily, instructor-led practice sessions (~1 hour). One of these sessions will be held in the morning and one in the early afternoon (Pacific Time). Students will not be required to attend both. On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Friday, students will also be asked to attend the director-led reinforcement sessions in the afternoon ( ~1 hour). Click here to see a more detailed description of these course components.
In past years the Workshop has often filled. It is a good idea to sign up early to ensure that you get in.
The Workshop moves very quickly and there is not much time for students to catch up if they fall behind. Students are generally discouraged from missing any class, but in certain circumstances, it may be possible to do so.
The Workshop is designed for students with no previous experience with Latin, and most students are able to succeed. There is lots of help available for students who are struggling. Instructors hold regular office hours and answer questions in the evening over e-mail. Students are encouraged to form study groups. Instructors actively discourage a competitive environment, and in past years there has been a great sense of camaraderie in the Workshop community.
If you've recently taken and been successful in a complete introductory course in Latin, you may find that the Workshop would merely provide you with the opportunity to review what you previously learned. If you took some Latin some time ago or took only part of a first-year course, you will likely find the Workshop challenging and edifying.
In the past, students have found it very difficult, not to say impossible, to pursue other projects or take on other obligations while in the Workshop.
Many students in the past have been able to pass translation exams in the fall following their summer in the Workshop. All students are encouraged to take a Latin reading course in the fall following the Workshop to cement the reading knowledge they have developed over the summer.
Every student will be prepared to take a second-year Latin sequence (usually consisting of a course on Caesar and Cicero followed by a course on Virgil). Some students who are motivated to do so may find that they are ready for more advanced reading courses.